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Alone on My Own

3 min read
No one believes, that i can do it, No one believes that i can stand alone.. When the world doubts you, because all they seem to remember is you when your at your weakest, it feels like you can just scream. I'm not an angry person any more, but this certain rage runs through my blood, i want to stand up and fight against the world that doesn't believe. I will not let their doubt harm me, i will not let their doubt waver me. I will stand alone. I can make it through this, through all the hurt and suffering, because there is no love without hate. Why do i feel like i must justify myself still? When i know that i'm not going to let myself down. I don't need to hear people tell me it will be alright, i don't need to flee or hide. I can do everything i want to do. I may just be a dreamer, someone that doesn't fit into this world. But i've been standing alone for a long time. People seem to think that i'm relying upon them, when i don't think i am at all. I don't ask them of anything, yet they seem to believe they're giving me something, they're helping me. It's bullshit. I keep getting pushed and pushed, yet i stopped shoving back. How am i to maintain this peace, when everyone seems to enrage me? Why do people think that they can judge me so? Why do they think they can talk about me behind my back? I know they do so, I walk into a room and it goes silent. People talk about honor, friendship, love. It's bullshit. I try and live my own life, then get dragged back down to this low level of life. But again i'll break these chains. So what if i'm homeless for a month? Worse things have happened. Yet they worry, i won't survive, they worry that i'll just fall over and die. It's bullshit. I'm already alone, just by knowing this and i accept that.
I accept where my life is leading me. I accept that. I look around my room, my room that isn't mine, that stopped been mine, so very long ago. I hate this house. I truly hate what has become of me in this house. I'm always alone, even when it's full of people. I feel like i give so much of myself to the world.. Maybe it's too much, maybe i should go back to that dark corner of my mind, where i am just invisible. But i cannot go back, i haven't been able to go back for a long time, so i walk forward, my head held high. No matter what this world thinks of me, i know i will get through this. Every time i promise myself that, i do. I'm not afraid anymore. I embrace this freedom. No more tears, no more fears, just me. Always going to be, just me. I've known this for a long time. No one will be my pillar, only me. Only ever me. For this moment, i will stop dreaming. I will do what has to be done. I will grow, I will survive. I will breathe and i will live. It is just that easy. Ahh.. its good to vent.. Even if no one listens..
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A Dreamer

1 min read
I never say what i want to say, i never say how i feel,
Cause its so different from what i think,
So i just tell people my thoughts and try to show them how i feel..
Is that wrong?
How am i'm going to find the words to show you what i want you to see?
I will never be able to read you..
And i only wish to show you my world..
"A fish and a bird" "Cannot be" "Then we'll have to give you wings."
There is no fairy godmother in my world..
There is only me and that's why i'm so afraid..
Cause i never want to be alone..
Wish i was a child again,
Life is just too easy..
Cause all you have to do is dream..
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1 min read
I choke, I breathe, I stumble then fall. I have nothing left, no words to save myself,  no hope, I don't believe. All i feel is alone..
Perfection? What's that in this imperfectness solution?
Tears, so many tears, wept over another, when will it stop, please I beg you..
Communication, no common ground, a dream?
I feel sick, tired, I wish I could sleep forever, not feel anything, there is no more time..
In a perfect world, In a perfect life, The prefect dream, what did it all mean?
I'm afraid...
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Part 1
Les souffrances vers l'extérieur, d'une fille qui est au cœur brisé, à elle seule ses rêves, rien d'autre que ses propres mots autour d'elle, ses propres larmes qui, elle hurle et crie, elle déverse tout, qui souhaitent, en espérant que quelqu'un répondra, quelqu'un va vous poser , êtes-vous d'accord? Si pâle et blanc, la couleur de ses yeux perdus, tout ce qu'elle peut voir, c'est l'obscurité, la maladie à l'intérieur, comme il bobines dans son estomac, en rejetant tout ce qui, rejetant toutes. Si faible est son corps, aucun contrôle, aucune force, à être elle-même. Seul et perdu, errant à travers son silence, ses propres cris échos, ses propres larmes comme elle l'effondrement du sol et permet à l'obscurité la prendre comme elle pleure.

Part 2/1
Recroquevillé, sans que personne là-bas, lui tenir la main quand elle marche dans cette voie désespérée seul, mais en fin de compte, n'at-elle pas ce choix, n'a pas elle veut cela? Mais au fond, elle se sent comme un enfant, seul et perdu dans la neige qui tombe, sous la pluie, elle se sent gelé sur la glace, comme si elle devient de la glace. Une jeune fille peu de glace, gelé dans la neige de son propre tristesse, ses larmes, accepte son sort. Mais soudain quelque chose de lumineux apparaît juste au-delà de ses paupières et une voix s'adresse à son cœur gelé, surprise, Suivez-moi, le sourire.

Part 2/2
Débordant de vie, les yeux pleins d'inspiration quand je regarde les coups de pinceau balayer la toile, je voudrais pouvoir vous dire, tout ce que je me retiens, cette émotion ici que la libération de i, à travers une forme d'expression, jamais eu besoin de mots, pour voir comment je me sens. Surprise, suivez-moi, Smile .. Tout ce qui est dit, le reste est dans vos yeux.

Part 3
Mon cœur et l'âme déchirée en deux, un sentiment tragique, un état dépressif, comme je suis hors de la page de fusion, de disparition et ne se soucie, personne ne remarque même, alors je vais être une toile vierge, qu'est-ce donc? Qu'est-ce donc? Toutes mes émotions éparpillés, les larmes sont toujours en baisse, tombant toujours, quelqu'un s'en préoccupe? Quelqu'un sait-il, comment aider un ange déchu, ce que quelqu'un parvenir avant ces ailes se tourner vers les os et se mettent à saigner? Quiconque le fera? N'importe qui? Mon âme i évanouissement rapide.

Part 4
Pensées de la vie, à l'intérieur de moi-même, ils brûlent au fond d'un cœur caché dans mon cœur. Pensées qu'il se forme une nouvelle âme à l'intérieur, une nouvelle vie, au fond, est en train, voltige, un enfant. Mais je sais ce que j'ai à faire, je sais que c'est pour le mieux, je sais que je ne suis pas prêt pour cela, je sais que je ne peut pas avoir cet enfant, puis les laisser seuls, parce que je sais que je ne survivrait pas à cette . Je sais que je mourrais, encore, ceux qui croient qu'il ne faut pas tuer une autre vie, elles ont inspiré cette émotion, que le doute, que la tristesse que je porte dans mon cœur, enfermé, donc je ne me sens moments de tristesse, de moins en moins. Pourtant, je sais que je suis une mère meurtrière maintenant, c'est ce que je suis.

Part 5
Puis enfin, il ya libération, libération de tous les ma douleur, la libération de ma souffrance, plus aucune douleur, je le laisse aller, laisser tous les laver. Pas plus, il est temps d'être libre de cela, le temps de fuir, le temps de recommencer, renaître dans ce monde, plus forte, avec une tête claire encore. Je suis fier, je vais être confiant, je ferai ce que je suis venu ici pour faire et bien sûr de s'amuser sur la route. Je vais réussir, je sais que je. I Si heureux suis si fier, pas peur, j'ai laissé ma peur derrière moi maintenant. Je suis prêt maintenant, pour saluer ce monde nouveau et faire le grand saut battant loin dans le ciel.
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Falling Stars

4 min read

Lost I am, so very lost.. Alone I feel, even with people brushing against my skin. Paint and ink on my hands, sketches scattered across my floor. Distractions to my own misery, yet alone I stay. Heartbroken I am.. There is always a price to pay. Voices, doubting me, Voices of logic, scaring me. Alone I choose to be. Can comfort reach me? I thought I had it all figured out, but these people, they still no nothing.. Am I the impossible one? Am I? Lost and alone, in this confusion of emotions. Words spoken aloud, fall on deaf ears. Words written, read by the blind. Screaming inside, it quietens and stops. People always prepare for the worse, I feel the best. Even though I've lost control of my body, Even though I feel weak, I haven't given up. Why can't we just pretend, it never happened? I wish I could run, run far away... Far away.. from the reach.. of this pain.. Those closest, they all just bring me down, they don't think, before they speak, like they could ever comprehend, where my pain begin's. And in the darkest hour, when the city and everyone in it sleeps, that is when I find my peace. So I don't even know what I'm trying to say, or trying to mean.. I just want an understanding.. They say it comes from a mother, this understanding I look for, but I believe, that the answers can be found, in every woman.. Hungry I am, starving.. Broke I am, too stubborn to ask, for food.. Another ask, more money.. Not mine.. Stubborn I stay. Determined I am.. This house, it seeps poison, the air, I choke upon. Wet it is, the rain pours down, but warm it stays. I wish it was cold.. I wish it would snow.. Then maybe I could eat snow cones all day and play. Only a dream it is though. I don't even know why I cry any more.. I just know I'm sad..

As the city sleeps; and all is quiet and still throughout the night, one girl lies wide awake in her bed, awake through her suffering of this pain, she weeps of falling stars...

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Alone on My Own by SkylessSky, journal

A Dreamer by SkylessSky, journal

Afraid by SkylessSky, journal

un nouveau depart by SkylessSky, journal

Falling Stars by SkylessSky, journal